
Nando Stevoli

18th May – 8th June 2024
opening Saturday 18th May 2024, h 6 pm

Galleria Imaginaria of ​​Florence, in collaboration with the Galleria Lattuada of Milan, is pleased to present the exhibition of the artist Nando Stevoli “Plissé”, Saturday 18 May 2024, starting at 6.00 pm. 

Contemporary exponent of “Rigorism”, current daughter of Fontana’s Spatialism, where the rigor of art is reinterpreted towards the keys of essentiality, monochrome and volumes in space, Stevoli in his refinement and sophistication recalls the fashion of linear forms, furnishings minimal chic, primary colors. 
The series of white works, with very essential red strips, or a very small red opening, but also the pulsating of the red square cannot fail to be references to the wound in Christ’s side. In his rigor Stevoli takes us to Japan with his haiku romanticism and his zen sweetness, or makes us dream of fashion weeks with his graceful and flawless pleats, as if sartorially cut.
Lost in symmetrical and geometric pleats with an almost silky delicacy, Stevoli’s paintings hover sober and light, made of an abstract beauty that has fully captured Lucio Fontana’s invitation, with his approach to going beyond the canvas.


Born in 1953, an artist of “pleats” that he creates with folded canvases, with refined monochromes or bichromes.
Stevoli is inspired by kinetic art and Op art. He has participated in several collective and personal exhibitions in Italy. Since 2016 he has joined the Rigorismo founded by Flavio Lattuada.
He lives and works in Ferrara.