Resmi Al Kafaji

Resmi Al Kafaji

Resmi Al Kafaji Born in Diywania in Iraq, he lives and works in Florence and Prato since 1977. He graduated from the Institute of Fine Arts in Baghdad and the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence.He has participated in numerous group exhibitions in Iraq and various...

Qassim Alsaedy

Qassim Alsaedy

Qassim Alsaedy Qassim Alsaedy was born in Baghdad and studied painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Baghdad from 1969 to 1973. Because of his involvement in a Democratic Student Movement, Qassim Alsaedy was imprisoned by Saddam Hussein's regime. He was held for nine...

Vinicio Berti

Vinicio Berti

Vinicio Berti Vinicio Berti was one of the main exponents of Abstractionism in the Italian panorama. He made his debut in the early 1940s with works of a realistic-expressionistic approach which tended towards the popular world and to the dramatic reality of war....

Tommaso Cascella

Tommaso Cascella

TOMMASO CASCELLA Tommaso Cascella was born in Rome in 1951 to the painter Annamaria Cesarini Sforza and the sculptor Pietro.He currently lives and works between Bomarzo and Rome.For him, painting and sculpture are natural languages, the result of a multi-generation...

Fernando Cucci

Fernando Cucci

fernardo cucci Fernando Cucci was born in Ugento (Le) and studied at the Art Institute of Florence, the Academy of Fine Arts and the Kunstgewerbeschule in Basel.He has carried out the activity of teacher, held the chair of Pictorial Disciplines in Higher Art...

Bernard Aubertin

Bernard Aubertin

Bernard Aubertin Bernard Aubertin (1934 Fontenay-aux-Roses, France - 2015 Reutlingen, Germany). Around 1951 he began his apprenticeship at the School of Decorative Art. His encounter with Yves Klein in 1957 was fundamental and it led him to create his first four red...

Luca Brandi

Luca Brandi

Luca Brandi Born in Florence, Italy in 1961, he produced a wonderful collection dating back to 2001-2011. Inspired from an early age while working in various churches in the city of Florence, Brandi studied under Paolo Galletti, who taught theories on the separation...

Sergi Barnils

Sergi Barnils

Sergi Barnils Sergi Barnils è nato nel 1954 a Bata, capitale della Guinea Equatoriale. Attualmente vive e lavora a Sant Cugat, nei pressi di Barcellona. Attraverso un segno geometrico che si stempera nell’utilizzo dei colori, protagonisti assoluti della sua pittura- e...

Lluìs Cera

Lluìs Cera

Lluìs Cera 1967, Barcellona, Spain Lluís Cera was born in Barcelona in 1967, he graduated in 1993 from the Academy of Fine Arts in Barcelona specializing in sculpture. Among the many awards he has received we can mention his selection for the Miquel Casablanca prize...

Achille Perilli

Achille Perilli

Achille Perilli 28 gennaio 1927, Roma - 16 ottobre 2021, Orvieto Nasce a Roma nel 1927, è noto per le composizioni di forme somiglianti alla proiezione sul piano di parallelepipedi che risultano, alla fine, inverosimili ed irregolari, quasi irrisolti allo...

Valerie Buffetaud

Valerie Buffetaud

Valérie Buffetaud 1962, Versailles, France She was born in Versailles in 1962 after spending a long period in Tuscany. She lives and works in Paris and in Haute-Provence.As a painter and engraver she also has practiced sculpture, ceramics and photography. Her artistic...

Paolo Caponi

Paolo Caponi

Paolo Caponi Born in Arezzo in 1943, he graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts of Perugia in 1969. His artistic career began with engraving to then devote himself to sculpture and graphics.In the 1980s he moved to Venezuela where he received recognition for engraving...

Piero Dorazio

Piero Dorazio

Pietro Dorazio 1927, Rome, Italy - 2005, Perugia, Italy Born in Rome in 1927, he was a painter who contributed to the spread of Abstractionism in Italy.After studying architecture, as a young man, he came into contact with the Abstractionist  current and its major...

Gianni Dorigo

Gianni Dorigo

Gianni Dorigo 1953, Ferrara, Italy He was born in Ferrara in 1953 and lives in Florence. Since 1980 he has been a teacher and head of the Visual Design course at the Leonetto Cappiello Institute of Art and Design. With his first solo exhibition in 1974 (presentation...

Giosetta Fioroni

Giosetta Fioroni

GIOSETTA FIORONI 1932, Rome, Italy Born in Rome in 1932 into a family of artists. Her father Mario, a sculptor and her mother Francesca, a painter and a talented puppeteer.One of her first exhibitions was in 1956 at the Venice Biennial.  Numerous personal and...

Alvaro Monnini

Alvaro Monnini

Alvaro Monnini  (Florence, 1922 - Milan, 1987) Together with his colleagues Vinicio Berti, Gualtiero Nativi, Bruno Brunetti and Mario Nuti, he was among the founders of the artistic movement called Classical Abstractionism. He was born in Florence on August 26, 1922....

Hermann Nitsch

Hermann Nitsch

Hermann Nitsch 1938, Vienna, Austria In Hermann Nitsch's work, painting is understood as dramaturgy.  The whole development of Hermann Nitsch, unanimously considered as one of the most significant European artists, unfolds around this concept. A witness of a radical...

Friederike Oeser

Friederike Oeser

Friederike Oeser Friederike Oeser lives and works in Munich. He worked as an commercial graphic designer in both Munich and London. His artistic activity began in 1989 and since 2000 he has been a teacher of Free Design at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich. He has...

Walter Puppo

Walter Puppo

Walter Puppo Walter Puppo graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence in 1984 but already in 1983 he had begun  exhibiting in Florentine galleries. Amongst which we can particularly call to mind Paolo Marini’s  L’Indiano .  In 1991 the first Cellule (Cells)...

Cesare Reggiani

Cesare Reggiani

Cesare Reggiani He made his debut at the end of the 70’s at a very young age in the field of comic strips. His interest in the evocative and communicative power of the single image led him to establish himself in the field of editorial and communication illustration,...

Eliana Sevillano

Eliana Sevillano

Eliana Sevillano 1947, La Paz, Bolivia Born in La Paz in Bolivia in 1947, she moved to Caracas in Venezuela, where in 1964 she graduated from the "Cristobal Rojas" Academy of Fine Arts.She joined the “El Pez Dorado” group of writers, filmmakers and plastic artists. In...

Paolo Sistilli

Paolo Sistilli

Paolo Sistilli Born in Porto San Giorgio in 1950, he moved to the Netherlands in the 70s where he lives and works. He graduated from the Utrecht Academy of Fine Arts in Monumental Design. During his long artistic career he has exhibited seasonally in numerous European...

Andrea Stella

Andrea Stella

Andrea Stella Born in Florence in 1950.  In alternating periods, he lived and studied art in two cities– both of which are the very cradle of art: Florence and Athens. Settling permanently in Florence, he attended the famous artistic carving  workshops.  Works of that...

Karl Stengel

Karl Stengel

Karl Stengel Born in Neusatz in 1925, he was a Russian prisoner during the Second World War. His love for drawing and painting also accompanied him during his captivity in Soviet camps. In Munich he attended the Academy of Fine Arts and later became an art teacher,...

Antana Sutkus

Antana Sutkus

Antanas Sutkus Born in the Kaunas district of Lithuania in 1939, he is one of the great masters of photography.  He received the Lithuanian National Prize for culture and art, the Order of the Lithuanian Grand Duke Gediminas and the Dr. Erich Salomon award. He studied...

Francesco Maria Testa

Francesco Maria Testa

Francesco Maria Testa Born in Sant’Agaipo in Molise in 1933, he has always been involved in the production, processing and merchandising of Italian and foreign tobacco. The search for quality is a fundamental part of his existence. He is the author of numerous...

Andrè Vranken

Andrè Vranken

Andrè Vranken Born in Maastricht in 1961, he graduated from the Academy of the city of Maastricht in monumental design and painting. From 1987 he worked with the bronze foundry of Pie Sijen and continued to do so until 1997. With his knowledge of  fusion, including...

Andy Warhol

Andy Warhol

Andy Warhol He was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on August 6, 1928, to a family of Slovak origin. After studying commercial art at the Carnegie Institute of Technology, he moved to New York establishing himself in the world of publicity working for magazines such...