Giosetta Fioroni

Giosetta Fioroni

GIOSETTA FIORONI 1932, Rome, Italy Born in Rome in 1932 into a family of artists. Her father Mario, a sculptor and her mother Francesca, a painter and a talented puppeteer.One of her first exhibitions was in 1956 at the Venice Biennial.  Numerous personal and...
Gianni Dorigo

Gianni Dorigo

Gianni Dorigo 1953, Ferrara, Italy He was born in Ferrara in 1953 and lives in Florence. Since 1980 he has been a teacher and head of the Visual Design course at the Leonetto Cappiello Institute of Art and Design. With his first solo exhibition in 1974 (presentation...
Piero Dorazio

Piero Dorazio

Pietro Dorazio 1927, Rome, Italy – 2005, Perugia, Italy Born in Rome in 1927, he was a painter who contributed to the spread of Abstractionism in Italy.After studying architecture, as a young man, he came into contact with the Abstractionist  current and its...
Fernando Cucci

Fernando Cucci

fernardo cucci Fernando Cucci was born in Ugento (Le) and studied at the Art Institute of Florence, the Academy of Fine Arts and the Kunstgewerbeschule in Basel.He has carried out the activity of teacher, held the chair of Pictorial Disciplines in Higher Art...
Lluìs Cera

Lluìs Cera

Lluìs Cera 1967, Barcellona, Spain Lluís Cera was born in Barcelona in 1967, he graduated in 1993 from the Academy of Fine Arts in Barcelona specializing in sculpture. Among the many awards he has received we can mention his selection for the Miquel Casablanca prize...