Andrea Stella

Andrea Stella

Andrea Stella Born in Florence in 1950.  In alternating periods, he lived and studied art in two cities– both of which are the very cradle of art: Florence and Athens. Settling permanently in Florence, he attended the famous artistic carving  workshops.  Works of that...
Paolo Sistilli

Paolo Sistilli

Paolo Sistilli Born in Porto San Giorgio in 1950, he moved to the Netherlands in the 70s where he lives and works. He graduated from the Utrecht Academy of Fine Arts in Monumental Design. During his long artistic career he has exhibited seasonally in numerous European...
Eliana Sevillano

Eliana Sevillano

Eliana Sevillano 1947, La Paz, Bolivia Born in La Paz in Bolivia in 1947, she moved to Caracas in Venezuela, where in 1964 she graduated from the “Cristobal Rojas” Academy of Fine Arts.She joined the “El Pez Dorado” group of writers, filmmakers and plastic...
Cesare Reggiani

Cesare Reggiani

Cesare Reggiani He made his debut at the end of the 70’s at a very young age in the field of comic strips. His interest in the evocative and communicative power of the single image led him to establish himself in the field of editorial and communication illustration,...
Walter Puppo

Walter Puppo

Walter Puppo Walter Puppo graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence in 1984 but already in 1983 he had begun  exhibiting in Florentine galleries. Amongst which we can particularly call to mind Paolo Marini’s  L’Indiano .  In 1991 the first Cellule (Cells)...
Achille Perilli

Achille Perilli

Achille Perilli 1927, Roma, Italia Nasce a Roma nel 1927, è noto per le composizioni di forme somiglianti alla proiezione sul piano di parallelepipedi che risultano, alla fine, inverosimili ed irregolari, quasi irrisolti allo sguardo. Allievo di Lionello Venturi, con...